Empowering Communities: A Mother’s Digital Journey with Palmetto Care Connections

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Empowering Communities: A Mother’s Digital Journey with Palmetto Care Connections

Written by: Campbell Mims, Sweatman Strategies, LLC

Latasha King balanced motherhood, her career as a community health worker, and her own education with the finesse of a seasoned multitasker. When Palmetto Care Connections (PCC) introduced a digital literacy class alongside free tablets, Latasha saw it as both an opportunity and a necessity.

“Honestly,” she explained, “we had to take the course to receive the tablet. So, just to go over the basic information of learning how to be digitally literate with the tablet was enormously helpful.”

While the class was initially mandatory, Latasha approached it with an open mind, recognizing the potential benefits beyond just fulfilling a requirement. “Yes, I think that it was good to have someone to go step-by-step to make sure everybody understood what was being done,” she expressed, highlighting the importance of accessible learning for all.

As a mother and a professional, Latasha understood the significance of mastering even the most basic tablet functions. “Just as something as basic as turning on the tablet… because some people just don’t understand,” she emphasized, acknowledging the diverse needs of her community, from older individuals unfamiliar with technology to those facing cognitive challenges.

Latasha’s journey with the tablet extended beyond personal use. “My daughter is now two years old, but we have graduated at 18 months,” she shared proudly. The tablet not only served as a tool for educational and recreational purposes but also facilitated telehealth appointments, ensuring access to vital healthcare resources.

Reflecting on the impact of the digital literacy class, Latasha recognized a newfound confidence in navigating technology, both personally and professionally. “I think the class helped a lot… on the workforce, the professional side, it was easier,” she affirmed, highlighting the streamlined processes enabled by newfound skills.

In her role as a community health worker, Latasha found herself not only implementing these skills with her clients but also teaching her daughter the basics of tablet use. Her experiences underscored the importance of patience and accessibility in digital education. While she didn’t personally utilize telehealth during her pregnancy, Latasha witnessed its transformative potential for her clients, especially those facing transportation challenges. “I have had clients that were able to use it during their telehealth,” she explained, emphasizing the invaluable role of technology in overcoming barriers to healthcare access.

Latasha’s narrative painted a picture of empowerment and resilience, both for herself and her community. Through the support and guidance provided by PCC, she navigated the digital landscape with newfound ease, enriching the lives of those around her.

With a smile on her face that only the power of knowledge and education could create, Latasha expressed gratitude for the transformative impact of the digital literacy class and the unwavering support of PCC. Her story was a testament to the power of education and technology in bridging gaps and empowering communities to thrive in the digital age.

For full article and more information on Palmetto Care Connections Click Here