Men's National CHW Alliance

partJoin us Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 1 pm EST!!

 Our Meeting Times Have Changed!

To be more accommodating for all of the time zones that the Men's National CHW Alliance serves, the Core Leadership Team has voted to change the time and date of the monthly general meetings. 

For the first part of 2025, MNCHWA General Meetings will take place on the second Tuesday of every month at 1 pm EST.

Those meetings will be on the following dates: January 14, February 11, March 11, and April 8. 

The Zoom link will be sent out through the newsletters. If you did not receive it and would like to join in, please e-mail 

Thank you all for your patience and support as we try to make MNCHWA as effective and successful as possible!

Did You Miss A Meeting? 

They are now posted on our YouTube Channel!

MNCHWA's YouTube Channel

Exciting News!

MNCHWA has a Logo!

MNCHWA is also on Facebook!

MNCHWA's Facebook


Subcommittee Updates:

The Men's National CHW Alliance has much work to do to increase the number of men working as Community Health Workers and develop unique and successful models for men reaching men. 

We are actively seeking dedicated individuals who can contribute their lived experience, passion, and skills to this movement.

MNCHWA currently has four subcommittees working to reach various goals. We would love for you to join us in these efforts! Click Here to Join a Subcommittee

Research Subcommittee:

  1. Continue in a literature review searches to find what research has been done already
  2. Connect with organizations doing men's health research, and find out how we can partner, support, and learn from and with these organizations.

Outreach, Recruitment and Communication:

  1. Join the CHW Connector App, and MyEnvision to build a presence on these platforms
  2. Social media and Internet presence support
  3. Update Recruitment flyer

Curriculum Building:

  1. Hold one or two working meetings
  2. Create an outline for a Men Reaching Men Curriculum


  1. Get the MNCHWA name more widely known and recognized
  2. Develop materials or branding, giveaway items at conferences, etc.
  3. Identify and acquire funding for MNCHWA

If you are interested in joining any of these subcommittees, please fill out this form: Subcommittee Sign- Up Form or e-mail us at


Meet the Men's National CHW Alliance:

On August 4, 2023, at the 2023 National Association of Community Health Workers (NACHW) Unity Conference in Austin, Texas, Terri Jowers, CCHW, South Carolina Community Health Worker Association (SCCHWA) and Guillermo Wippold, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, presented their community-engaged research on Men's Health in a breakout session entitled “We Need More Male CHWs! What Community-based Participatory Research told us about engaging men in health.” During the discussion, the presenters challenged the attendees to take action to increase the number of male CHWs to improve men's health outcomes.

The discussion started at the Unity Conference and sparked a group of men and men's health allies to begin meeting and form what is now being called the Men's National CHW Alliance.

MNCHWA can now proudly share that they have members from 25 different states across the nation!

The Men's National CHW Alliance's core values are compassion, respect, equity, community engagement, and leadership.

Why Should You Join Us?


The MNCHWA is looking for Community Health Workers and CHW Allies who are passionate about improving Men's Health. The current models continue to leave men, particularly men of color, behind. By increasing the number of men working as Community Health Workers, we believe that we can positively impact health outcomes for men in underserved communities and populations.

The Work Before Us

Currently, it is estimated that only 11-18% of all CHWs in the United States are males. The Men's National CHW Alliance has much work to do to first increase the number of men working as Community Health Workers and then develop unique and successful models for men reaching men. We are actively seeking dedicated individuals to bring their lived experience, passion, and skills to join this movement.

"It is important that men assume responsibilities associated with men's health.  It is especially true that men can set an example for how men handle issues that only men face and those that are primary factors in health awareness and understanding.  To this end, those of us who are female who will encourage, nurture, assist, and the propel men who take on this challenge.  Our fathers, brothers, and sons will benefit greatly from the Men’s National CHW Alliance.”                                      - Dr. Yvette McDaniel

Are you great at outreach, strategic planning, or grant writing? Do you believe that the current models are leaving men further behind and ready to see a change? Join the Alliance!

Want to explore men reaching men more?

The Men's National CHW Alliance is ready to speak at your collaboratives, meetings, and conferences.
Reach out and let us know how we can help each other.


The Men's National CHW Alliance meetings are held virtually, sign up for our newsletter to learn more.


If you would like more information, please reach out to MNCHWA

MNCHWA's Previous Speaking Engagements:

CHW Affinity Group March 2024

CHW Affinity Group March 2024

South Carolina Health Equity Summit April 2024
SC Health Equity Summit April 2024