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Harnessing the Spirit of Faith-Inspired Sex Ed in the Black Church

Harnessing the Spirit of Faith-Inspired Sex Ed in the Black Church

Wednesday, March 6, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM (EST)

Event Details

This webinar will highlight strategies and lessons learned for faith-inspired sex ed in the Black Church. Churches have historically been important in the mobilization and disseminating of information to people within the African American community. Pastors and church leaders are highly respected and valued in these communities and their opinions are viewed as credible. While the faith community has very steep roots and a rich history in civil rights, it has been somewhat underutilized around the subject of adolescent sexual health. While Fact Forward has already begun to assess this subject within the African American churches, it is statistically evident that religious adolescents may be less likely to use contraceptives when they become sexually active. In keeping with the above, Fact Forward sought to learn and understand what the South Carolina faith community needs are related to adolescent sexual health. This information will be used to help develop sexual health interventions, information and resources for youth in a faith-based setting. This webinar will highlight strategies and lessons learned for faith inspired sex ed.